ForesTEEN: EU Project on Youth Participation in Theaters
ForesTEEN - Building a Resilient European Teen Cultural Ecosystem
European cooperation project from Kinder- und Jugendtheaterzentrum (KJTZ) with partners from seven other EU countries
For teenagers and young adults aged 15 to 25
Period: 2024 to 2027
The project launch of TAG Germany (= Theatre Action Group), i.e. the group of young people and young adults here in Germany, was in March 2024. We will report on the process with milestones, highlights and dates via social media and here on the website.

About ForesTEEN
ForesTEEN invites people aged 14 to 25 to develop formats, ideas and possibilities for new cultural offerings together with their peers from Germany and other European countries. Sustainability or the (cultural) ecosystem in which we live will be our focus.
One aim of ForesTEEN is to strengthen participation and involvement as artistic and political principles.
As part of the ForesTEEN project, young people can network across Germany and Europe, further develop participation processes and, in concrete terms, help shape the AUGENBLICK MAL! 2025 and 2027 festivals. Traveling to European partner festivals to interact with peers and theater actors is also part of the ForesTEEN experience.
Highlights of the project

ForesTEEN Kick Off at ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering in Belgrade and Novi Sad, Serbia

Digital information meeting for the TAG Germany

Kick Off Meeting TAG Germany in Frankfurt

Regular meetings for the TAG Germany

Visit of KLAP festival in Esbjerg, Denmark

Working areas of AUGENBLICK MAL! 2025
Partner of ForesTEEN

Compagnie 22
Metz / France
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Nationaler Forschungsrat in Italien
Rome / Italy
Kinder- und Jugendtheaterzentrum in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Berlin, Frankfurt / Germany
laSala - Centre de creació d'arts per a les famílies Sabadell
Sabadell / Spain
All partners
Digital world
Contact TAG Germany
Contact Project Leader ForesTEEN
Segni d’infanzia Associazione