ASSITEJ Membership
You’re an ASSITEJ member – so what now? Whether you’re a regular, individual, Next Generation, supporting, or honorary member, ASSITEJ membership comes with a number of advantages and benefits.
ASSITEJ members:
- are, together with around 480 other members, part of the only lobby group for performing arts for young audiences in Germany.
- have direct access to networks with colleagues on a regional and international level. The regional working groups and the ASSITEJ International are the most important networks for this.
- have the opportunity to vote for members of the Executive Board, who will represent the organisation, at the annual general meeting.
- can stand for election as a member of the Executive Board.
- can apply to any of the festivals for performing arts for young audiences. For example, ASSITEJ membership is a prerequisite for applying to WESTWIND.
- receive the publication ixypsilonzett as a supplement to Theater der Zeit. Twice a year the magazine publishes material on specific topics relating to performing arts for young audiences.
- receive the ASSITEJ mail. The ASSITEJ sends around a regular email containing extensive information regarding news on the performing arts for young audiences – current calls for applications, training opportunities, Save the Dates, job postings, and more. (Contact: Valerie Eichmann v.eichmann@jungespublikum.de)
- have the opportunity to become jurors for the different ASSITEJ prizes.
- can apply to host and help organised the different events which take place under the ASSITEJ umbrella. This includes the ASSITEJ workshops and the event „Directors in TYA – An International Exchange”.
- have access to the contract templates from the Laaser law firm’s contract template pool. ASSITEJ has been a member of this pool since 2023, and makes the contracts available to its members free of charge. Further information can be found here. (Please note that this information is currently only available in German.
Ordentliche Mitgliederversammlung ASSITEJ e.V.
The ASSITEJ’s last annual general meeting took place on Saturday 11th November, 2023, in the Zoogesellschaftshaus in Frankfurt am Main.
The dates for the next AGM, which will include the vote for ASSITEJ Deutschland’s new Executive Board, will take place in the final quarter of 2024. The exact date will be published in due course.
Warm regards,
The ASSITEJ Executive Board and management
Several ASSITEJ members have sent us their contact details for publishing. All of the listed members welcome questions, queries, or new contacts in their network.
We would be happy to receive details from other members, which can be sent in the tabular format linked below to the management (Subject: Member list, jungespublikum.de). By submitting this form, you consent to the oublication of your details. Please make sure you have obtained explicit sonsent from the people named in the form.
The list was last updated at the start of 2024.
Please note that it cannot be guaranteed that contacts on the list can be contacted in English. For further questions about the list, please write to our managing office.
ASSITEJ's Article of Association
The ASSITEJ’S current Article of Association was adopted at the 2020 AGM. In October 2021, we finally received the news that the new Article had been officially registered.
Please note that this document is currently only available in German.
The ASSITEJ'S Article of Association and data proctection
The ASSITEJ's Article of Association
The ASSITEJ’S current Article of Association was adopted at the 2020 AGM. In October 2021, we finally received the news that the new Article had been officially registered.
Please note that this document is currently only available in German.
Data protection at the ASSITEJ e.V.
Information on how our organisations collects and processes your personal data can be found under the following link (please note that it is currently only available in German): https://www.jungespublikum.de/privacy-policy/datenschutz-mitgliedschaft-assitej/.
We would be delighted if all of our full members would also publicise their ASSITEJ membership on their respective websites.
The logo is available in various formats upon request.
Types of ASSITEJ membership
Any professional children’s and youth theatre in Germany can become full members of the ASSITEJ. This includes collectives, ensembles, companies, and independent groups just as much as it does institutions. Festivals, organisations, publishing houses, and institutions such as universities and theatre education centres can also apply for full membership. All full members are given two votes at members’ meetings.
All ASSITEJ members receive the ixypsilonzett year book and magazine on children’s youth theatre, as well as the ASSITEJ mail, which compiles relevant information and announcements. Additionally, all members are invited to engage in the ASSITEJ’s regional working groups, and to bring any ideas or wishes directly to our head office.
The ixypsilonzett yearbook for children’s and youth theatre comes out twice a year via the Berlin publisher Theater der Zeit. It contains the different theatres’ premieres. Repertoires and projects from current as well as previous seasons are available for research purposes online at www.kjt-online.de, in cooperation with the Children’s and Youth Theatre Centre in the Federal Republic of Germany (KJTZ).
There is also the opportunity for individuals to apply for individual membership. People who are young than 30, or who can prove that they are still in education can apply for Next Generation membership, and with it, pay a reduced membership contribution. Individual and Next Generation members have one vote each at members’ meetings.
People or institutions who would like to support the goals and the work of the association can become a supporting member. They do not have voting rights at members’ meetings.
If you have any questions regarding ASSITEJ membership, please contact our head office.
Contribution rates
Progressive contribution rates for full members – self-assessed according to turnover/budget
We use the terms “turnover” and “budget” while knowing that these can lead to misunderstandings. To be clear:
- In theatres that receive public funds (including project funding), the theatre’s budget is what decides how much the theatre contributes.
- In theatres that receive no funding, turnover is used instead.
We would like as many people as possible to become members, and for their contributions to fit into their existing structures.
Institutions such as universities, publishing houses, foundations and festivals pay, as a rule, a member contribution of 135€ a year.
Invoices for member contributions will be sent in the first quarter of the year.
Contribution rate according to budget/turnover:
Up to €100,000 € – €60
Up to €250,000 – €135
Institutions which are not a theatre – €135
Up to €500,000 – €230
Over €500,000 – €295
Integrated model (Divisions without their own designated budget) – €295
Over €1,500,000 – €395
Over €2,500,000 – €495
Over €5,000,000 – €650
Individual members – €60
Next Generation members – €30
Supporting members – from €30
Honorary members – an amount of your choosing
(Contribution regulations adopted during the Annual General Meeting on the 14th January 2022.)