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Directors in TYA 2025

Every two years, ASSITEJ Germany organises the International Directors’ Seminar for Children’s and Youth Theatre, which has been known as “DIRECTORS IN TYA – An International Exchange” since 2018.

The next edition of DIRECTORS IN TYA will take place from the 22nd to the 29th June 2025, at the FUNDUS THEATER | Forschungstheater in Hamburg.

Topic: Reassembling the world: Intergenerational and international alliances in TYA
How can artistic practices connect audiences from around the world? What message would the children from your local community send to a group of adult artists? How can our audiences share our connections and benefit from them? How can intergenerational and international alliances inspire our TYA practice? How can TYA reassemble the world – one project at a time?

Please find more detailed information in the document below and the application form at the end of the page.

Open Call Directors in TYA Germany

Application form | Directors in TYA 2025 - An International Exchange (from 22nd to 29th June 2025 in Hamburg, Germany)

Welcome to the application form for DIRECTORS IN TYA – An International Exchange. Please give us some information about yourself in the form below. Every ASSITEJ national center and every ASSITEJ network is invited to nominate one director to take part in DIRECTORS IN TYA – An International Exchange.

YYYY slash MM slash DD
Postal Address(Required)
What is your preferred messaging platform?
Proficiency in English(Required)

Please list your most relevant experiences in the respective fields from the past three years (2021-2024). Please note that it is not necessary to have experiences in all these fields to be accepted as a participant in “DIRECTORS IN TYA – An International Exchange”. However, this information is helpful in order for us to assemble a balanced group of participants.
Please upload your CV, your letter of motivation, and the letter of support by your ASSITEJ Centre in one PDF file.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 2 GB.


Please name your ASSITEJ centre's point of contact.

Travel Costs

We will normally assume that travel costs will be covered either by the participants themselves, or by their respective ASSITEJ national centre. Your country may offer other funding opportunities for this purpose. ASSITEJ Germany and the hosting theatre cannot cover the travel costs for all participants. If you do require support to cover your travel costs, please specify here:
Please be aware that there is a very limited budget to support participants' travel costs.

Privacy and Data Protection


Anna Eitzeroth
Managing director, ASSITEJ Deutschland


Directors in TYA 2023